As you know, killing women in the Kurdistan Community and other undeveloped communities in general has passed from a condition into becomes a phenomenon Kurdistan Region. Most of the reason for killing women that have given is excuses of honors. I want to talk about one of the crimes committed against women in the Kurdistan Community, which is the crime of killing women under the pretext of honor, so I talk about it as a crime because I think there is no justification for killing any human being. No one outside of the official institution and the law has right to punish others, particularly the right to commit murder as an excuse against women, so it is a crime against women. In a way that woman’s killers will always be punished by this punishment or their punishment will be deduced, or the way will be paved for continuation of the crimes.
The reasons for killing women under an excuse of honor:
This is rarely a case in most communities around the world, but it is more common in undeveloped communities, which, of course Kurdish community is not deprived of this issue as an Islamic community, and often cases happened in, generally the reasons are:
1.Making differences between male and females
Many communities differently look at men and women, especially in terms of individual behavior, some behaviors are not considered as a crime for men, but the same behavior is a crime for women and has strong punishment on women.
2. Looking at women as weakness person:
Due to women are distinguished by being more soft and spontaneous, this has become a reason to impose against gender on, and to look at women weakly, which often play a bad role in developing society in this regard.
3. Misconception of the word “honor”:
The word honor means respect, and dignity, which is called “honorable”. It is common and means avoiding all dreadful behaviors, but it has been shortened in undeveloped community to sexual side of women only!
4. Traditions:
Some tradition of communities generally sees women as a sexual user; even some of undeveloped concepts still remain which less happy and even sad with having girls in their families.
5. Legal facilities:
In patriarchal communities, laws are designed to facilitate crimes against women under the pretext of honor. According to the laws of countries, a woman who is killed under the pretext of honor is guilty of less punishment compare to a punishment of a person who purposely kills another person.
6. Misconception of religion:
One of the reasons is misunderstand from religious beliefs, which cause to look at women as a second-class and looking at women’s roles only by giving pleasure, childishness, and imprisonment in the context of men’s decisions.
7. The negligence of government agencies and organizations:
Often some of government agencies and organizations have become reasons of incident and increasing numbers of crimes under the pretext of honor, because a some of the relevant agency is sympathetic to a man who killed a women under the pretext of honor, they are looking for excuses to ease his punishment.
8.Behind curtain reasoning:
The crime of killing women under the pretext of honor often has another issue behind it. This means that the killing is not related to honor or disgrace, but there is another reason for killing a woman and pushing her to the subject of honor in order to ease punishment of murderer, such as the issue of inheritance, having a secret of the killer and etc.