Nearly five centuries the world has been changing its direction to (Europe, America and Canada), nowadays, we live in a sensitive historic, economic and politic moment, a moment that the Asians like China, Japan, Russia, India and Singapore could depict a great model of civilization in the realm of innovating technology, economic and military show, instead of being a subordinate to the western.
Eurasia is the places located between Asia and Europe and announces as a heart of the world, Halford John Mackinder is an English geographer who believes that the world is a political unit it can be governed, thus, any forces have power on Eurasia it can authorize the entire world!
Honestly, Eurasia is not only an expression and geographical description; it is more important that as its identity, also, historic and political sides which fights to win the values between east and west blocs.
Generally, Eurasia consists of (93) countries that are divided between Asia and Europe, Eurasia could be started from Norway and Finland then descends to the black sea or it could be Oral, Kazakhstan and the Baltic mountains, it could be Europe or it could not. However, Russia is not Eurasia while the Russians are working in different investigation centers to develop the new school of Eurasia. Currently, it’s possible to have Eurasia in Syria because the distance between Syria and Europe is only (100) KM via the Mediterranean Sea.
Robert D. Kaplan an American geopolitical professor and writer in his latest book which titled (The Return of Marco Polo’s World) has discussed on war, strategy and the US interests in the twenty-first century, he marked the moment as an interim moment as it sees in the two following points.
First, America has to stop China’s authority in the Atlantic Ocean, similarly, the Populist and Rights in Europe.
Second, Kaplan believes, either geography or technology is in contingence. Russia authorizes the Eastern European countries; the disagreements against the systems have made the right movements and populists to reach the power which assures the benefit of Russian in the area.
If Russia becomes the political leader of the new Eurasia and China becomes its financial bank, from where to where will start? For instance, Syria Kurds are de factor there, but their identity is missing, Turkey is in the project and becomes a problem to the Kurds.
The Kurds in Iraq have gotten autonomy since (1992) and from (2006) have signed the oil contract with the world companies instead of having a huge amount of natural gas as the formal agencies say about (5,3 trillion cubic meters). Moreover, Kurds don’t have any rights in Iran.
Does the Eurasia project correct the historical oppression of the First World War? Kurds have to participate from any (Regional Economic Integration) while Kurds are not the European police fight against the terrorists and will leave them! Kurds have to participate in this project because they are the oldest nation in the Middle East and the greatest nation around the world without a state.
We are in a new century! A new dawn is coming, China seeks for the silk side in the area and its slogan is belt and path. Likewise, Russia searches for its geostrategic in the east of Europe, the goal of Russia is to destroy the unipolar in the world which leaders by America after the cold war.